World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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ISSN: 2583-6579

Impact Factor: 5.111



Govinda Sharma K.*, Basavaraj Y. Ganti, Pooja B.

Introduction: Kshara is the alkaline substances obtained by processing ash of drugs. The pharmaceutical technology of processing alkaline drugs to obtain a dosage form is called as Kshara Kalpana. Kshara is termed so because it has ability to scrape the tissues or erode unwanted growths. Kshara Kalpana can be of mrudu (mild potency) madhyama (Moderately potent) and teekshna (Potent) varieties based on potency. When used externally they are called as pratisaraneeya kshara and paneeya kshara when used internally. There are three, five and eight kshara enumerated based on number of alkaline drugs in group with similar characteristics. Palasha kshara is a herbal alkaline material prepared out of Palasha (Buteamonosperma Lamk.) Materials and methods: Kshara was prepared from dried leaves, root, stem, flowers and fruits of Palasha plant (Buteamonosperma Lamk.). The final product was analysed for selected preliminary parameters as per API. Results: The yield was 13% and the pH of the final product was 10.34. The Physicochemical characters of the study drug were within the pharmacopeial limits. Discussion: The raw materials selected for the study was of genuine quality and were comparable with API standards. Pharmaceutical and analytical studies on palasha kshara could generate preliminary standards of study drug. Alkaline pH of the final product was with in pharmacopeial range and supports its inclusion under ksharashtaka. Microscopic studies of final product could be used for future references as a standard monograph.

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