World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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ISSN: 2583-6579

Impact Factor: 5.111



Sayali Gade*, Dr. Ravindra Jadhav, Dr. Sunayana Vikhe

Background: Vitex negundo has many uses in Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and Allopathy to treat several diseases like venereal diseases, Urinary problems, cough and fever, asthmatic pain, female reproductive problems. Purpose: This study aimed to perform the comparative phytochemical study, chromatographic profiling, and Antiurolithiatic activity of Vitex negundo linn root extracts. Methods: Using maceration extraction, Successive reflux condensation extraction processes were used to prepare petroleum ether, methanol, aqueous, and alcoholic extracts. Preliminary phytochemical study were carried out in plant parts extract. We performed chromatographic profiling of Vitex negundo by using GC-MS. About 18 phytochemicals in Vitex negundo plant root were identified and quantified by using GC-MS. Antiurolithiatic activity was performed to study urolithiasis inhibition potency of root extracts of the selected plant. Results: The percentage yield of petroleum ether, methanolic and aqueous extract of Vitex negundo Linn was found to be 1.42 % w/w,0.85%w/w and 1.14% w/w respectively. The Rf value of 0.76, 0.69,0.95,0.61,0.69,0.87 and 0.95 may be due to the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, tannin, Glycosides The urine samples of normal and treated animals were collected on 14th and 28th day and a comparative analysis has revealed that there was significant increase in the volume & pH of urine in the animals treated with methanolic extract. This study proves that there was significant decrease in calcium oxalate crystals by methanolic root extracts against ethylene glycol induce urolithiasis model in swiss albino rats. It is interesting to note from the GC MS results that the presence of biomolecules such as Dibutyl malate, Heptaethylene glycol monododecyl ether, Suc-L-Phe-OH4-Nitrophenyl, Ajmalicine, alpha-Tocotrienol, Tyroscherin, Caryoptin, Bruceantin, Unii-0E0K1H745W, 4-O-MePdd, Bevirimat, Beta-Carotene, Phytoene, Allochenodeoxycholic acid, Calamin, 3 (Benzylnonanoylaminomethyl) androsterone, Methyl betulinate,Stearoyldelicone etc. correspond well with the reported medicinal roles of Vitex negundo Linn. Conclusion: As per present study, The selected plant part of Vitex negundo Linn could be helpful for generating formulations for kidney stone reduction.

[Full Text Article]



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