World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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ISSN: 2583-6579

Impact Factor: 5.111



Dr. M. R. Patil*, Dr. Kavita Butali, Dr. Savitri and Dr. Keerti Pyati

Ayurveda has a very unique concept when it comes to the compostion of living body. It belives that body is formed by the 5 elements and comntrolled by the 3 bioenergies and 7 tissues, which represent different components of the body. Where as per charak[1], he mentioned that Stanya is the Upadhatu of the Rasa dhatu, it has the primary role in the development of Infants.The WHO Recommends exclusive Breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued up to 1 yesr and more. Ayurveda considers stanya as Piyuasa[2] or Amruta and Acharya Sushruta[3] has given brief knowledge about Stana roga, which includes Stanavidradi, Stanashopa and Stanakopa and Breast /mammary gland is aceaasory organ of F emale reproductive system, which is made up of glandular tissue, fatty and superficial fascia which it is embedded the overlying skin with the nipple surrounding zone of pigmented skin in the Areola.

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