World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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ISSN: 2583-6579

Impact Factor: 5.111



Muhammad Yusuf Arrozhi, Yudha Nurhantari*, Suhartini, Tri Ratnaningsih, Maria Agnes Etty Dedy, Novianto Adi Nugroho

Drinking alcohol is one of the factors for liver dysfunction through the polymorphism of the ADH2 enzyme gene. The small number of studies on the proportion of ADH2 gene polymorphisms with liver function status prompted the authors to examine this in a population that consumes a lot of alcohol in Indonesia, namely the ethnic East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The aim of this study was to analyze the polymorphisms of the ADH2 gene with impaired liver function associated with drinking alcohol behavior among ethnic NTTs. A total of 60 NTT ethnic respondents were involved in the interview and blood samples were taken for PCR- RFLP analysis, and liver function tests. (SGOT, SGPT, and GGT). Drinking behavior is based on routine, frequency, volume, and duration using a questionnaire. Statistical analysis using chi-square was then performed as a correlation test. From 60 study subjects, genotype ADH2*1 was owned by 1 subject (1.7%), ADH2*2 by 39 subjects (65%), and ADH2*3 by 20 subjects (33.3%). Respondents who drink alcohol are 44 people (73.3%), while 16 people are not alcohol drinkers (26.7%). There was no significant proportion between the ADH2 gene polymorphism and alcoholic drinking behavior (p=0.272) or the level of alcohol consumption in the alcohol-drinking population (p=0.296). ADH2 gene polymorphisms, namely ADH2*1, ADH2*2, and ADH2*3, with ADH2*2 (65%) being the highest number of ethnic groups in NTT. This gene was statistically not a significant proportion of the levels of SGOT, SGPT, GGT, alcohol drinking behavior, and the level of alcohol consumption in the NTT ethnic population.

[Full Text Article]



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