World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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ISSN: 2583-6579

Impact Factor: 5.111



Kasinath Hadimur*, Sachin Bagali, K. A. Patil, Vidyalakshmi Pujar, Vilas Chadchan

Bhasma one of the distinctive dosage form of ayurveda medicine. Generally prepared out of metals, minerals & animal source of origin drugs, rarely from herbal source of origin drugs. This dosage form was introduced in ayurveda after origin of Rasashastra. Earlier too the fine powder prepared out of metals & minerals etc were therapeutically used but the term Bhasma was not mentioned (Nomenclature) to that product. Even the proper explanation of pharmaceutical procedures to prepare Bhasma not observed in samhitas. Systemic explanation of this i.e pharmaceutical procedures which involves like shodhana, marana steps available in rasagranthas along with the quality analysis tests to ensure the final product Bhasma safety. As it is indicated for internal administration. These quality assurance parameters or test mentioned in classical books are known as Bhasma sidhi laksana or pareeksa. They have been divided into two types samanya Bhasma pareeksha & Vishesha Bhasma pareeksha. Samanya Bhama pareeksha tests are adopted for all kind of Bhasma irrespective of drug & its source of origin. Vishesha are the specific one ment to particular Bhasma prepared out of particular Dravya. Varna, varitara, rekhapurna, unnam etc categorized under samanya Bhasma pareeksha. Dadhi pareeksha, nischandratwa are categorized under vishesha which are ment for particular Bhasma not for all kinds of Bhasma.

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