World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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ISSN: 2583-6579

Impact Factor: 5.111



G. K. Kovallimath and Santosh V. R.*

Sciatica describes leg pain that is localized in the distribution of one or more lumbosacral nerve roots, typically L4-S2, with or without neurological deficit. The varied post operative complications like continued pain, Nerve trauma, Incontinence, Spinal instability of the contemporary surgical methods, it is wise to adopt Snehadi kriya by using the concept of Swedana, to manage the Gradhrasi. In this present study the classical concepts of Agnikarma and Swedana were utilized in the modified form to enhance the acceptance rate of treatment. A total of 30 patients, divided into 2 groups of 15 patients each were subjected to one sitting of Agnikarma (Group A) and Kati Basti (Group B) with pretest and post-test design. Among the two varieties of Gradhrasi, Vataja type was frequently encountered. Statistically significant improvement was observed in objective parameters like SLRT, Tenderness, and in subjective parameters like Sthamba, Toda, Grahana, Range of movements around the trunk especially at the end of the 14th day after the treatment. Comparing the effect of both treatments separately, Kati Basti has shown better clinical and statistical significance than the Agnikarma.

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