World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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ISSN: 2583-6579

Impact Factor: 5.111



Saurabh Saklani*, Yogesh Joshi, Ankit Goel and Poonam Rishishwar

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), a common preventable and treatable disease, is characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is usually progressive and associated with an enhanced chronic inflammatory response in the airways and the lung to noxious particles or gases. This was a prospective, observational study carried out among patients of COPD in a tertiary care hospital of Dehradun to evaluate prescription pattern monitoring studies (PPMS). Study was carried out by reviewing prescription of 120 COPD patients. Out of 120 patients 67.5% were male and 32.5% were females. The majority of the patients were in age group of 56 - 60 years (34.16%) followed by 51 - 55 years (24.16%), 46 - 50 years (14.16%), 61 - 65 years (9.16%). Among 120 patients, 65.83% were smokers, 34.16% were non-smokers. Etiologic assessment reflected that 68.33% patients belongs to low socioeconomic status followed by exposure to biomass smoker 8.33%. Out of 120 patients, 53.33% were not having any other co-morbid condition and the most common co-morbidity found in remaining patients was hypertension 17.5%. Most commonly prescribed drugs were bronchodilators (22.38%), followed by Antibiotics (18.16%) and corticosteroids (17.62%). Most commonly prescribed bronchodilators drugs were beta-sympathomimetics (52.65%), corticosteroids drugs were Inhaled corticosteroids (61.96%) and antibiotics drugs were beta lactam antibiotics (54.49%). Among all drugs prescribed, 63.02% was prescribed as monotherapy and remaining 36.97% was prescribed as combination therapy. Most commonly prescribed combination drug therapy was salbutamol + budesonide (22.5%). Most commonly prescribed dosage forms were oral dosage forms (77.19%). Due to high value of average number of drugs per patient, problem of concern was polypharmacy which requires the control through rational prescribing practices the drugs prescribing practices in the COPD treatment.

[Full Text Article]



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