World Journal of Pharmaceutical
Science and Research

An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Science & Pharmacy Professional

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ISSN: 2583-6579

Impact Factor: 5.111



Gampa Vijaya Kumar*, M. Sandhya, G. Bharath Kumar, M. Bhavitha, M. D. Sameer and P. Tharaka

One significant and cutting-edge analytical tool employed in the pharmaceutical business over the past three decades is ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy. The analytical technique measures the amount of monochromatic light absorbed by colorless substances in the near UV (200–400 nm) range. The processes required to ascertain the “identity, strength, quality, and purity” of such chemicals are included in the pharmaceutical analysis. It also covers the examination of raw materials and intermediates used in the pharmaceutical production process. A spectrophotometer covering the UV range operates on the basic principle of light passing through a solvent-filled cell and onto a photoelectric cell, which converts radiant energy into electrical energy that can be detected by a galvanometer. To determine the absorbance spectrum of a substance in solution or as a solid, UV -visible spectroscopy is utilized. The purpose of this review is to present details about the following topics: Q-absorbance quantitative relation methodology, twin wavelength methodology, absorptiontivity methodology, multivariate chemometrics, distinction spectrophotometry, by-product spectrophotometry, absorbance quantitative relation spectra, by-product quantitative relation spectra, successive quantitative relation by-product spectra, and absorption factor, and physical property factor methodology.

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