Dattatraya R. Yalagi*, Nikhil N. Mali and Chitraveena Nibrad
Convergence Insufficiency(CI) is one of the important cause of Headache. It is characterized by a decreased ability to converge the eyes and maintain binocular vision while focusing the near objects. Patients suffering from CI complains of eye strain, headache, blurred vision etc. According to modern science, eye exercise in the form of Pencil- push up is advised. For better results, Ayurveda Therapeutics were used to overcome the condition. According to Ayurveda, it can be correlated with Vataprakopa especially of extra occular muscles. Case: A 28 years old Male patient having complaints of Headache, blurring of Vision, Brief reading time, jumping of words, difficulty in Concentration came to OPD. He had taken medications for headache which were having temporary relief. No past medical, surgical, family History noted. Materials and Method: Written informed Consent was taken from the patient after explaining the Procedure to him. Modern and Ayurvedic examinations were carried out. Occular therapeutics which included Tarpan with Yashtimadhu Ghrita and Nasya with Yashtimadhu oil were administered for 7 days once daily in the morning. Diet and Regimen, Precautions were explained to the Patient. Observations and Results: Headache was relieved remarkably. NPC Scale reading was reduced from 10cm to 5 cm. This is a unique and effective approach towards CI with minimal treatment which can be used for benefit of the society.
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