World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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ISSN: 2583-6579

Impact Factor: 5.111



Swati Goyal* and Dr. Manoj Adlaka

Aim: To collect and comprehensively review information available regarding the medicinal use of Apamarga. Background: Apamarga [Achyranthes aspera Linn.] has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of different disease. The entire Achyranthes aspera plant, including the seeds, contains alkaline substances, particularly potash. The chemical components of different plant parts have been identified and isolated. Though there are few review articles available on this plant but no review has comprehensively covered all aspects of Apamarga. Materials and Methods: This review is in a narrative format and done from literature and publications relevant to Apamarga that were identified through a systematic search of major computerized medical databases. Review Results: Apamarga [Achyranthes aspera Linn.], was reviewed from all samhitas and Nighantu’s and from more than 55 research articles for medicinal uses and other important aspects. Conclusion: Apamarga is concluded to have more than 20 Samhita based indications Kandu, Kushtha, Visha, Vrana, Karna-Roga, Netra-Roga, Aruchi, Chardii, Udararoga, Krmi, Hridroga, Pandu, Gandamala, Amavata, Kasa, Shwasa, Mutraghata, Visuchika, Sidhma, Nidranasa, Ashmari, Arsha, Kaphaja Timira, Praklinnavartma, Paripotaka, Pleehodara, Apachi, Sharkara and Utpataka. Apamarga also possesses Antimicrobial, Lavicidal, Antifertility, Anti-cancer, Immunostimulant, Hypoglycaemic, Hypolipidemic Activity, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant Activity, Anti-Asthmatic, Diuretics, Anti-arthritic, Activity for Wound Healing, Cardiac Activity, Analgesic and Antipyretic Activity. Clinical Significance: Samhita based indications of Apamarga are compared with Article concluded effect and then areas of further research are identified in drug Apamarga.

[Full Text Article]



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