World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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ISSN: 2583-6579

Impact Factor: 5.111



Dr. Archana Jadhav*, Dr. Abhay Kulkarni and Dr. Priyanka Pawar

Infertility associated with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a major cause of concern in the present generation among the reproductive age groups due to undesirable lifestyle changes.[1,2] This is a case report of an infertile couple who had not been able to conceive since 4 yrs. All reports and other parameters of male partner was normal, the wife was diagnosed with Arajaska Yonivyapad[3] according to Ayurveda and other symptoms was of PCOS. Patient underwent conventional and allopathic treatments of primary infertility but result was not there so further management done. As Acharya Charka has mentioned 8 causes of delayed pregnancy (ch.sha.2/7) with this reference and Yonivyapad[4] study this case was diagnosed as Vandhyatva (kakvandhya) due to irregular menses with Obesity and pcos. Method: The objective of the present treatment included Ayurvedic management of Arajaska Yonivyapad by shaman Chikitsa (mitigation) like Ampachan with Shankha vati, Rasaraktapachak kashay, Shodhan chikitsa like yogbasti, Sthanik chikitsa like Uttarbasti with Dadimadi ghrut, Yonidhawan, Yonipichu Result: During the treatment period she lost 4-5kg of weight and regained regular menstruation thereafter with medicine and life style changes. The outcome of the Ayurvedic intervention was the conception of the patient within 5 months of treatment.

[Full Text Article]



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