World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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ISSN: 2583-6579

Impact Factor: 5.111



Pratiksha Adsul*, Prof. Godavri K. Bramha, Prof. Shyam S. Awate, Sudarshan Chavan, Atharv Chor and Sakshi Darekar

In traditional medicinal trees, Dalbergia sissoo is a popular species around the world. It has been used for the therapeutic purpose from thousands of years, and now there is a growing demand for plant-based medicines, health products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Dalbergia sissoo is a widely growing plant which is used traditionally as anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic and as an antimicrobial agent. Several chemical constituents have been isolated and identified from different parts of the plant belonging to the category of alkaloids, glycosides, flavanols, tannins, saponins, sterols and terpenoids. Compounds isolated from Dalbergia sissoo like an isoflavone, biochanin is a potent chemotherapeutic cancer preventive agent with a distinct estrogenic activity. D. sissoo possesses several pharmacological activities; however, it is essential that more clinical and pharmacological studies should be conducted to investigate the unexploited potential of this plant. A review of plant description, phytochemical constituents present, traditional uses and pharmacological activities of Dalbergia sissoo. Natural plant products have been used throughout human history for many purposes. Dalbergia sissoo is also an herbal medicinal plant that belongs to the family Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Therefore, the aim of the present review is an effort to give a detailed survey of the literature on its traditionally medicinal use, morphology, phytochemistry, and pharmacological activities of the plant Dalbergia sissoo. Dalbergia sissoo is traditionally used to treat various systemic diseases and disorders such as cardiac diseases, gastrointestinal related disorders and diseases, sexual diseases, and skin diseases. It contains many active constituents, i.e., flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, carbohydrates, tannins proteins, fatty acids, and amino acids, useful in treating various types of diseases. Plant part extracts from Dalbergia sissoo are reported on anti inflammatory, anti-termite, anti-diabetic, analgesic and antipyretic, anti helminthic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antinociceptive, osteogenic, anti spermatogenic, gastroprotective, neuroprotective, anti-molluscicidal, anti larvicidal, antiulcer, immunomodulatory, antibacterial activity. Dalbergia Sissoo, Indian rosewood which is a deciduous forest tree. It is natively found in Indian subcontinent. It is called as Shisham which is best known premier timber tree. It is also used as fuel wood with its multiple product uses and agro-forestry application, it is consider as best timber wood tree. Dalbergia is a genus of trees, shrubs and woody climbers widely distributed in tropical and sub- tropical regions. It possesses immense traditional application. Various species are widely used as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antimicrobial, anti diarrheal, anti- ulcerogenic, anti-spermicidal, larvicidal and mosquito repellant in the traditional system of medicines. Chemical investigation has resulted in characterization and isolation of various phytoconstituents. This review is compilation of chemical composition and biological activities of the various species of the genus Dalbergia. Nature has been a good source of medicinal agents for thousands of years and an impressive number of modern drugs have been isolated from natural sources, many based on their use in traditional medicine. Various medicinal plants have been used for years in daily life to treat diseases all over the world. The present study reveals the medicinal values of Dalbergia sissoo DC. (Fabaceae). In this communication, we reviewed the Phytochemistry and its applications in the treatment of various ailments. The genus consists of 300 species among which 25 species occur in India.

[Full Text Article]



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