*Bibin K. B., Remesh Chandran T. S. and Sreelakshmi A.
Balavisarpa is a term found in classical Ayurvedic texts and is typically understood as a variant of Visarpa, a condition characterized by the rapid spread of skin inflammation and lesions, somewhat analogous to modern conditions like herpes, erysipelas, or severe skin infections. Bala refers to children or infants. Visarpa- describes a disease condition marked by the spreading of inflammation, redness, and eruptions on the skin Balavisarpa is often characterized by symptoms such as redness, inflammation, and spreading lesions on the skin. Skin is the largest organ of the body which acts as a first line of defence in providing resistance to the body. The aggravation of various Dhatus and Doshas result in skin diseases. A 7 year-Female presented with lesions on her both legs and back associated with mild itching, oozing, pain and fever. Her parents brought her by carrying, since she could not walk, due to pain and was approached with various shamana aushadhi which showed significant improvement in one week itself.
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