Bhupendra Rodle* and Dr. Sachin K. Jain
The objective of this study was To Scientific Validation of Antidiabetic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Tecoma Stans (L) Juss. Leaf. The plant leaves were collected locally from the herbal store and botanical garden of the garden of the botany central council for Research Ayurveda and Siddha Govt. of India .The plant was identified and authenticated by comparison with herbarium specimens. The leaves of Tecoma Stans (L.) juss ex kunth were authenticated by comparison with herbarium specimens and authentication No. BSI/SRC5/23/2016/Tec/1993. The different extracts (alcoholic and aqueous) of Tecoma Stans were subjected to physicochemical analysis. Tests for carbohydrates, phenols, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, fats, glycosides, steroids, amino acids, proteins carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, flavonoids, saponins, phenol and tannins which may probably responsible for their expected pharmacological action. In the toxicity studies ethanolic extract did not show any signs or symptoms of toxicity in ratsat doses up to 2000 mg/kg p.o., indicating that it has no toxicity at the maximal doses tested in this work. The extract with maximum number of phytoconstituents and extractive value identified (ethanolic) is used in the further evaluations. Toxicity study shows the safety nature of the extract and also acute and sub-acute toxicity studies do not produce any toxic symptoms upto 500 mg/kg. The extract was pre-clinically evaluated against STZ induced diabetic rats models for its antidiabetic activity. The extract showed insulin mimetic activity and control of blood sugar level which are comparable to the reference drug glibenclamide at a dose of 10mg/kg. as the invivoresults indication has been concluded 50% ethanolic extract of Tecoma Stans (L), which may be containing structurally insulin resembled compounds. In conclusion the extract is safe and can be used to treat diabetic conditions without any harmful effects.
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